Support is essential when we struggle with depression, and it’s good if that support can come from a variety of people and means.

That said many of us a have a pivotal relationship – either romantic (with a spouse or a partner) or otherwise (with a close family member or friend) – which is put under particular stress when depression raises its ugly head.

Depression & Relationships How to support each other

When we’re struggling with depression, it’s hard to understand why anyone would want to be with us. We feel utterly unloveable, and may lash out or withdraw. Our depression can be so all-consuming it feels easier just to push our loved ones away.

Things are equally difficult if we’re in a relationship with someone who is depressed. We may feel frustrated by their condition, bewildered by their behaviour, and powerless to help.

Relationships & Depression: How to support each other


Despite these challenges, it is still possible to keep our relationships healthy when depression intervenes.

Every relationship – and every experience of depression – is different, but with the help of our community we’ve identified five strategies that can help keep our relationship strong.


Honesty is so important in a relationship. If we suffer from depression, it’s important to be open about this with our partner – even though this can feel daunting. Being honest helps our loved one understand us, and enables them to support us when times get tough.

“It is better to be completely honest from the word ‘go’, it’s a lot for the ‘well’ person to take in too so it’s only fair that they are aware of our additional needs”

If our partner has summoned the courage to be honest with us about their mental health issues, it’s important to be honest back. If we are worried, or confused, or unsure – say so. If we have questions – ask them. Our partner may not have all the answers (though they live with the condition that doesn’t mean they understand everything about it), but they’d rather say that than be faced with silence.

“he is often fooled by my ‘mask’ so when I crash it comes as a bit of a shock”

People who suffer with depression often put on a ‘mask’ to help them face the outside world and disguise how they feel inside. If we use a mask, we need to let our partner see behind it. If we’re the supporting partner – remember that it exists.


Although we can’t live in our partner’s head, we can put yourself in their shoes.

If we are in a relationship with someone with depression, we need to remain mindful that although we cannot see it, they are ill, and their difficult behaviour often comes from their illness, and not them.  As this Blogging Blurter explains:

“Know that when they lash out at you, it is not personal; they are lashing out at themselves; often they may say things they don’t mean, but it’s often just what their demons are telling them.

Understand that whilst you get up, showered, brush your teeth, get dressed and eat breakfast, sometimes just one of those tasks for the person you care about is like climbing Everest with one leg, barefoot.

Try to understand their ‘normal’. Wanting to hide in the dark for a day, trying to choose what to wear and crying because it’s so hard, making fudge at midnight… it’s their normal. Don’t force a different normal on them”

If we struggle with depression, we need to remember that the situation is tough for our partner too. They will feel frustrated that they can’t alleviate our pain, and that they don’t know what to do.

“He struggles to understand why I’m depressed and gets flustered by the thought he can’t just fix me”.

“She’s not sure how to be, or what to say sometimes. It’s hard for her”

“Although they may not suffer with mental health, often it takes a toll on them, often they’ll even internalise that it must be something to do with them”.

When we view our situation through our loved one’s eyes, it’s easier to understand how they are feeling and what they are going through.


Good communication is incredibly important in a relationship. We need to feel able to express our thoughts and feelings, explain our behaviours, and advise on how we’d like our needs to be met.

Encourage each other to talk – and LISTEN objectively.

If our partner struggles with depression, be patient. Remember mental illness isn’t logical, and our loved one may be just as confused by it as we are.

We might feel the need to offer advice, but this isn’t necessary: most likely they just want a safe place to voice how they’re feeling, and comfort in return.

“I need constant reassurance that he still likes me and wants me around”

If we struggle with depression, we need to try and find ways to communicate how we are feeling and what we need in a way our partner will understand:

“They need to understand that sometimes you will be sad about nothing or that every little thing you do wrong feels like the end of the world or that you can become annoyed extremely easily. My BF is still learning how to deal with all this but by explaining to him exactly how I feel and how my brain works helps”.

We can also offer our partner some practical advice about how they can help us:

“They might get frustrated because they aren’t able to help, so it’s important you give them some key steps about how, say – you’d like an anxiety attack to be treated”

If speaking up is difficult, there is lots of information online (such as our resources page) that we can point them to.

Finally, if someone is caring for us it’s good to tell them that we’re grateful for their support.  A kind word during a tough time can make all the difference.


There are many different ways we can support a loved one with depression. Here are some suggestions from the Blurt Community:

“help and support the person with kind gestures… it may not look like they appreciate it, but you can be certain that they do”

“Reassure them, even if they never believe you, that their demons are liars”

“If you are in any way able to relieve the pressure, be that spending the day in the dark with them, or taking over some ordinary daily tasks that they find scary and daunting and confusing and overwhelming, do. It might not seem like a big thing to you, but it could make all the difference to them”

“listen to what’s on their mind without prejudice. Big cuddles help too”

“My boyfriend supports me when my MH takes a turn for the worst honestly just by being there. It sounds so simplistic but having someone to talk to who actually believes that your illness is genuine is hugely comforting”

“Whenever he can see that I’m getting a bit panicky, I will have his full attention and he will reassure me that I’m fine and the panic will pass”.

“I kind of like to just have my own space and be left alone sometimes. That’s difficult for someone to deal with but it’s how I deal with feeling low”

“My other half generally supports me by not forcing me to do anything but letting me be and just being there. He understands that it’s not personal”

“little things help make me feel better, some chocolate, watching a particular programme, a walk even just to the corner shop”

“Sometimes I just need to hold his hand, or if I feel really bad he will just cuddle me”

If we’re supporting someone with depression, it’s important to get support for ourselves too.

It’s vital for our own emotional wellbeing to take time out from caring to care for ourselves.

Remember support from outside of our relationship can be incredibly helpful too – we don’t just have to manage this between ourselves.

Connecting with people in a similar situation can be very enlightening:

“I personally have just recently gone to a friend and family meet set up by the charity Mind. It was amazing, and has really helped me to support my other half”.

There are also many specialist organisations out there that can help.


Healthy relationships are partnerships – in the truest sense of the word. When one person in the partnership is struggling, the other is there to unquestionably offer support.

“When you’re in a relationship, your depression is not just your problem, it’s both of yours. It’s amazing when you think about it – you’ve got someone to support you!”

We should also note that in some relationships, both partners struggle with poor mental health.  If we both go through a bad patch simultaneously, it is extra important that we get outside support. That way we are better equipped to be there for each other.

Sadly, not all relationships are partnerships. If we struggle with depression, and our partner is unwilling to try and understand how things are for us or offer support, we need to question whether this is a healthy relationship for us to be in.

“He doesn’t understand what it is like. He calls it a made up illness. Says you just have to get on with it, don’t be silly there is nothing wrong with you”.

“I’m recently single and one of the reasons is that I felt my ex treated my MH as a ‘problem’ that needed to be ‘fixed’ before we could have a good relationship…”

“don’t let anyone manipulate you by saying that your illness is stopping them from living their life properly or is a burden. That’s negativity you don’t need.”

Of course – negotiating the challenges of mental health in a relationship is difficult, so our partner might not get everything right from the off.

However if they are accepting of the situation, and willing to invest their time and love and support towards shared goals (our mutual wellbeing and the wellbeing of your relationship) we are in a strong position.

“I think accepting that this is part of who the person you are with is important, and making them feel valued and support while they are going through it is crucial, rather than making them feel like all good things are on hold til they get better”

“It has taken a long time for him to get to this level though because it is a lot of information to take in, and he’s still learning new ways to help me every day”

Whether or not they are affected by mental illness, the strongest relationships are loving and equal.


If we’re in a relationship – be it romantic, or otherwise – where we both value, support and care for the other, we’re very lucky. We have someone to stand alongside as you face the challenges (and joys!) life throws our way.

We’re in it together, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.

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